Important Please Read

Before treatment can take place it is essential to obtain permission from your vet for the session. If your animal has any ongoing medical issues these must be disclosed prior to the appointment so that they can, with your permission, be discussed with your vet.

Veterinary permission is a legal requirement under the 1966 Veterinary Act where it states that it is illegal for anyone to treat an animal, whether using Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, Osteopathy and even massage techniques without veterinary permission. This is to ensure the safety of all owners against unqualified and uninsured practice.

On the day


A detailed history of your animal will be taken, including general information, details about their lifestyle, exercise regime and symptoms to date, as well as any medical information. All information will be stored and handled in line with the Data Protection Acts 8 principles (1998)


This will include both a stationary assessment to observe for obvious conformational defects, muscle asymmetry, areas of tension as well as a dynamic analysis observing both the walk and the trot and a brief neurological assessment.


Using palpation, any muscle asymmetry/tension and decreased range of movements will be identified and the findings discussed, then as long as you are happy to proceed, a plan of treatment including aftercare, will be proposed.


McTimoney techniques and soft tissue massage will be used throughout the treatment. These are explained in more detail in What is McTimoney?


An aftercare plan will be provided to ensure your animal receives the best response to their treatment, and any rehabilitative care will be discussed.

Normal Responses To Treatment

Every animal responds differently to treatment, so it is normal for them to feel stiff or sore whilst their body adapts to the changes that are being processed. It is important to ensure that they have plenty of fresh, clean water available to aid with this process and help the lymph system to remove toxins.

Similarly they may feel exuberant and full of themselves, wanting to run around and play with their companions. This is not ideal, so a place or routine which aids to keep their environment calm is more beneficial. The animal will need to be kept warm and dry post treatment and it is sometimes necessary for them to have a few days off. Their exercise regimes may also need to be reduced slightly for a period. Depending on symptoms it is best not to have a treatment close to competition dates. This will be discussed on the day of your appointment or if you have any concerns then please discuss with Sally upon booking your appointment.